3 Reasons to Listen to Music While Working

Evaluating productivity in employees has always been of great interest to companies. It allows companies to know who is the one with the highest productivity level or who needs reinforcement and support to achieve the business goals of the company. When productivity levels fluctuate within the team, it negatively affects the company both financially and the overall work environment. Work productivity can be affected by external and internal factors. However, companies can help control external factors by providing the right equipment that facilitates employees to accomplish all their responsibilities. Some of this equipment includes communication devices, office computers, and/or safety equipment such as gloves, boots, uniforms, etc. However, companies are limited when intervening in internal factors as they are generally personal. Submission 

People with diabetes have a greater weight on their shoulders as managing diabetes is not always an easy task. Having diabetes is a journey with its highs and lows, and diabetics should receive as much support as possible to make their lives a little bit easier. Companies can assist their employees by providing professional help such as psychologists in severe cases but oftentimes there is a simpler approach. The approach that can be implemented to help workers become more productive: listening to music. 

  1. It helps reducing stress 

Unfortunately, we cannot eliminate stress from our lives.  It is the body’s reaction to daily activities. Stress is one of the most popular ailments affecting people of this century as people feel pressured to perform better, compete, and reach a level of perfection. However, having some stress is not always bad. Some levels of stress can actually help people motivate people to complete a task. The problem is when there are high levels of stress, it is consistent, and it starts affecting psychological, professional, and health aspects of a worker’s life. For people with diabetes, it is well known that being stressed directly affects blood sugar levels. According to one study, listening to music may stimulate the alpha waves in the brain that cause relaxation. Moreover, the study suggests that music can have physical impacts such as reducing levels of pain. It also increases endorphin secretion which leads to other physiological responses, such as a drop in blood pressure and pulse. 

  1. It increases productivity 

When workers must perform simple and repetitive tasks, music helps them to concentrate by eliminating external noises that can be distracting. It also helps them to be a motivator and challenges the person to finish a task more quickly. This small personal competition not only ensures that the individual is fulfilling their responsibilities but creates a sense of achievement and enthusiasm in the workday.  It also influences the management of time. Having diabetes requires some personal time even during working hours. Diabetics need to take care of their blood sugar levels and this includes tasks such as having a snack, hydrating, or even test their sugar levels. Employers should not punish the time they need for themselves but realize that ensuring that the health needs of their employees are met ensures better productivity. 

  1. Mood changes 

A study shows that music therapy has had a positive effect on anger control as participants’ anxiety and depression decreased while their self-esteem increased when listening to music. This group enjoyed life more, their feelings of relaxation and confidence increased, and they experienced less negative emotions.  Another study concludes that when music evokes a pleasant mood and an increased arousal state, participants perform better on non-musical tasks. People with diabetes tend to experience more mood swings when their blood sugars are at extreme levels. Listening to music can help a person with diabetes break down that tension and help calm them down as they work towards balancing their sugar levels.


  1. Listening to a specific type of music does matter

A study published by the Canadian Center of Science and Education examined the effects of different music styles such as arabesque, heavy metal, and classical western music on the aggression levels of adolescents. The results concluded that adolescents preferring to listen to heavy metal music exhibited significantly more aggressive and anxious behaviors when compared to the other groups. According to another study by the New York Times, they concluded that there are other variables such as familiarity or past experiences with the music that may have an effect on positive behavior change than the type of music. This study also evaluated the usage of stereos and environmental music and how it impacts mood. The conclusion suggests that relaxation can be achieved through the use of stereos which can assist in productivity. On the other side, environmental music was attributed to organizational satisfaction. 

  1. Music is not suggested for all types of jobs 

Some jobs such as call centers, retail, or services have a dilemma as these specific work environments are not suitable for individual listening. One survey of 4,500 people by the online recruitment agency total jobs found that computer programming, data analytics, advertising, and marketing – all of which are cognitively demanding – were the four sectors most likely to allow their employees to listen to music. Also, some jobs that require critical thinking and intense concentration are advised not to listen to music while performing their tasks. For example, a study found that surgeons were five times more likely to have to repeat requests when music was playing – and noted that this extra work can extend the length of operations by more than a minute.


Workplaces should encourage listening to music if their field allows to. Workers can use their own headphones and listen to their favorite genre to encourage a positive mood.  Workers can use their own headphones, limit volume, and listen to their favorite type of music to encourage a positive mood and increase productivity.  Another option is for the company to provide environmental music to have more control by ensuring proper levels of music and the type of music that is played. However, this method represents an additional fixed cost to pay for music rights. In short, People with diabetes should be highly supported in their daily lives, and allowing employees to listen to their own music does just that. 

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