Sticking to Your New Year’s Resolutions: A Diabetic’s Guide

Every new year, many of us begin with a very enthusiastic New Year’s resolution. Many of these resolutions include being more active, losing weight, increasing social connections, and for diabetics it could be improving their diabetes management. Overall, many of these changes can be summarized as adopting a healthier lifestyle. Statistically, January is the month with the highest rates of gym membership subscriptions. By March, the rates of attendance start to decrease rapidly. Then comes the hot summer and there is nothing more refreshing than having an iced coffee, ice cream, and loads of desserts. By the time autumn rolls around, people are faced with the temptations of pumpkin spice lattes, apple pies, and turkey with loads of gravy. When December hits, people quickly realize that the goals they set out for themselves at the beginning of the year were far from accomplished. And so, the cycle begins again next year. But what if, instead of fantasizing, we actually committed to our goals. By applying these tips below, we hope that it will allow those living with diabetes to set realistic goals and accomplish what they set out to do. With diabetes it is important to focus on a healthy diet and exercise. 

1.   Set short-term goals

You can have big goals to accomplish in the year, but in order to accomplish them, start off by setting smaller, short-term goals. Be realistic and true to yourself. For instance, if your goal is to lose twenty pounds, set that goal up seasonally. The fact is that healthy weight loss consists of losing about 1-2 pounds a week. Next, think about all the unhealthy food that you will consume. Even though having diabetes does require diet management, some days you will have higher carbohydrate or sugar intakes because of those “bad days.” Keep in mind holidays and festivities which might result in the overconsumption of food. It could be festivities such as birthdays, independence day, and other types of celebrations. Mark them on a calendar for you to visualize which season you will have a higher consumption of sugars and calories. Divide your calendar quarterly and set weight goals. Be kinder to yourself in months that you are consuming more calories and set lower weight loss goals.  For the rest of the months be more strict and set higher goals. You are already a diabetes warrior, and that takes a lot of strength. Push yourself towards achieving what it is you really desire. This method can also be applied to several other goals such as improving finances or having more social connections.

2.   Keep track and be open to changes 

Have a single place or a specific system where you can keep track of every deadline for your short-term goals. Here, write down what you have accomplished versus what you were expecting to accomplish. This could be a journal or digital document. Realistically, those numbers could differ and that’s okay. The important thing is to be persistent and consistent. If you are noticing that your results are not what you were expecting, then you might have to reevaluate and revise your plan. For instance, if your diet program is not enough you might also have to complement it with exercise. Be flexible and allow yourself to incorporate changes that help you accomplish your goals.

It is highly recommended that you get informed and seek advice from professionals.  With The Diabetes App, people with diabetes can connect with different medical professionals, such as licensed dietitians, diabetes influencers, and mental health therapists. It allows people to talk to professionals licensed to provide information that will help diabetics reach their goals. The Diabetes app offers free content to articles, videos, livestreams, and blogs. With each piece of new information you learn, you can use it to evaluate your own performance and analyze your situation to see if your goals must be adjusted. The important thing to do is keep it real. 

3.   Have a resilient mindset

Having diabetes is difficult, but it does not have to be a burden. Some days are better than others. It is no secret that when glucose levels are not in the optimal range it can be daunting and frustrating, especially if there is no clear cause. Being aware of these emotions and allowing yourself to feel them is important because it allows you to accept reality. Be honest to yourself but be resilient. According to psychology, when our emotions are repressed, it will find another way to express themselves. For example, it could end up manifesting as skin problems or irritable bowel syndrome. It is important to address the situation but avoid falling into a negative mindset.  If it is not possible to make an immediate change to your situation, keep yourself occupied by doing an activity you enjoy. When having difficulties, it is also very helpful to have family or friends to talk to. They can provide advice or another perspective on the problem. The Diabetes App has chat forums for both Type 1 and Type 2 with unique content tailored for each type. Here you can connect with other people with diabetes that understand exactly what you are going through. Connecting with people will allow you to find support and calmness.

Having diabetes is a journey, full of ups and downs. There is always a learning curve that might not be easy at the beginning but with proper guidance and determination, you can achieve proper diabetes management. We all start off the year with resolutions, but for diabetics, these resolutions can lead to better management of their condition. The Diabetes App wants you to reach your goals. It makes you feel good about yourself, it makes you feel accomplished. However, keep in mind that it is okay to have bad days, but that getting out of that negative state sooner is than later is always better. You can all achieve your goals, sometimes you just need a little push to get started. 

Leslie Rubio
As our brand manager and public relations specialist, Leslie ensures that all marketing activities deliver the right message to our target audience. Leslie studied Business Administration and has a graduate certificate in Brand Management.

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