Diabetic or Diabadass?

I started my diabetes journey back in 1978 when the needles were huge and the lancets for a finger prick test looked like a method of torture! How things have changed? I am so grateful that now I can scan a device on my arm to test my blood glucose levels and have a small pump to give me insulin-particularly, after 40 years of finger pricks and injection sites, there are some damage and scarring.

But, Diabetes isn’t all bad! For me, it has given me a mindset that makes me determined to achieve so many things in life. I ran the London Marathon in 2018 and have competed in many half marathons and tough mudder/spartan events. I was also the only diabetic at Ant Middleton’s Boot Camp (SAS Training) and even though I had a hypo I completed the entire event and kept up with everybody else.

Diabetes gives you a perspective and understanding about your body like no other. You learn so much about nutrition and its impact on your blood-sugars along with the impact of sports. You have been a scientist, mathematician, nutritionist, and physiology expert all in one!

For example, when training for the marathon it took me weeks and weeks of trial and error on my long training runs to get the right insulin dose and the right carbohydrate intake. I had times where I was frustrated with the hypos impacting my run but I never gave up. Even on Marathon Day, I had a hypo at Mile 8 and thought about stopping but, my resilience and determination because of my diabetes made me say “NO”-today Diabetes you will not beat me! When I reached Mile 22 I saw the Abbott Team cheering people on and as I ran past I flashed my Libre at them and the cheer was fantastic!! Their product was helping me complete my dream of running the London Marathon!

Diabetes is tough-its a daily battle with constant challenges and frustrations but it makes you stronger! Without it, I would not have had so many adventures and met so many cool people! As I always say we Diabetics are Diabadass!!

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