10 Great Exercises for People with Type 2 Diabetes

Having diabetes implies making new adjustments in your daily activities to cope with the situation. A healthy lifestyle with the right food and exercise for diabetics, has a positive impact as it promotes not only weight-loss but also because it helps to lower your blood sugar after exercise. Balancing different exercises is highly beneficial for a diabetic because it contributes to different aspects and even improves the overall health of that person. It is highly important to note that exercising should be constant: practiced at least three times a week.

Types of exercise and the benefits in blood

Aerobic exercises improve lung and immune function and reactivate blood vessels. Doing proper exercises regulate insulin resistance for type 2 diabetics. It is highly recommended to begin slowly and as your body gets more accustomed to the exercises and they become part of your daily routine, you can then start to slowly increase the time and intensity of the exercises.

1. A simple exercise for diabetics is walking. It will help your muscles absorb glucose to maintain appropriate levels of blood sugar after exercise. However, this only lasts for hours or a few days, which is why it’s important to maintain your active lifestyle. It is important to highlight that walking must increase your heartbeat so it is not necessary to start walking long distances, but it should be a little bit faster than your normal pace.

2.   If you have the possibility of going swimming, this is a great exercise for diabetics! This exercise stretches and relaxes the muscles, allowing your body to pump blood and oxygen efficiently with the results of having lower blood sugar after exercise. 

3.  Another great exercise for diabetics is to go cycling. It has the advantage of being a sport that will enable your muscles to recover fast. It promotes the consumption of glucose to maintain an optimal level of blood sugar after exercise. For rainy days, indoor cycling is an alternative to do at home or at the gym.  

4. Another joyful exercise for diabetics is to dance, It can be practiced in a professional way under the approval and supervision of a doctor. However, if you are looking for a fun way to workout, you can join formal dance lessons on a weekly basis. Cardio helps to lower the level of blood sugar after exercise.

Resistance exercises not only develop muscle mass, strength, and cardiovascular health but they also improve your levels of blood sugar after exercise, insulin sensitivity, and blood pressure. As strength in your muscles increases, also does their ability to utilize glucose and regulate sugar levels.  

5.  Weightlifting is a magnificent exercise for diabetics to build strong muscles. If the gym is not your favorite place, you can buy a set of hand-held weights that are suitable for your initial body strength and your goals.

6.  Push-ups and squats are helpful exercises for diabetics because the workout is with your own weight and they help by strengthening your muscles.

7.  Elastic resistance bands are exceptionally useful as an exercise for diabetics because you can work out different parts of your body such as arms, back, shoulders, neck, and legs. It is better to begin with a soft one and as you build up your strength you can get stronger bands to stretch.

Flexibility and balance exercises help work out your joints and maintain their mobility, which is especially relevant for elders to maintain themselves active.

8.   For instance, Tai Chi is a wonderful exercise for diabetics as it uses smooth body movements and balance exercises to relax the mind and body. If practiced constantly it will improve control of blood sugar after exercising. This type of exercise is better to be done with the guidance of an expert.

9.    Yoga is an excellent exercise for diabetics as it improves emotional well being, by connecting the mind and body, boosts strength and balance and helps lower your heart rate, blood pressure and blood sugar after exercising

10.  Pilates is a smooth combination of movements that enhances balance, coordination, and strength. It is a combination of aerobic exercises that will not impact your joints. It helps to control your blood sugar after exercising. 

For more information about exercises for diabetics and how to change your blood sugar after exercising download the DMP app and visit our Instagram and Facebook page. 

Leslie Rubio
As our brand manager and public relations specialist, Leslie ensures that all marketing activities deliver the right message to our target audience. Leslie studied Business Administration and has a graduate certificate in Brand Management.

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